Avengers Endgame
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Well seeing that the movie had premiere in Sweden today, and the 26th in most parts of the world, I thought we needed a thread for it. I couldn't find one, so well if there is one, just lock this.
![]() So, after all this years, we are finally here; the last Avengers movie. You can post your thought here, like what you wish will happen, think, or other things. If you have seen it, and want to talk about it, use spoilers! Don't ruin the fun for everyone else!!! Here are my thoughts on it: Spoiler: Tryck här för att visa!First of all, I loved it, super much. It was almsot everything I had hoped for! It looked amazing, in so many ways. The music was great (as it always is), it made me laugh, it made me cry. I wouldn't say it's my favorite Marvel movie, but it's in the top! So here is the plot, read this on your own free will, I have warned you, will spoil the movie, from here on! Spoiler: Tryck här för att visa!I will start with some of the characters, and the ones surrounding them, then go over to the whole plot! Thor: Hahahaha first of, fat Thor, the best thing! Loved it! Or the reason is so damn sad, that it made me cry, but it was still fun! And seeing that Korg and Miek was alive, made me happy. Seeing them just play games, eat and drink! I liked that they tried to be there for Thor! Just like Valkyrie, took over the leadership, and that she got to be Queen in the end, well not to sad, not to happy, but it was a good choice. Seeing drunk Thor, through out the movie was also funny, especially when he talked about Jane! The scene with Thor and his mother killed me! I cried and smiled at once, I love Frigga, so freaking much! And seeing her talk to Thor made my day. And that she didn't wish for him to stop whatever would happen to her. However, wonder if she really would have died, since Thor and Rocky took the infinity stone from Jane, than there is no reason for her to die. But well, ignoring that part. Seeing Thor fight with both the axe and the hammer was lovely! And seeing how he went with the Guardians in the end, was also cute. Love his and Rocky's friendship! So maybe we will get Thor in GotG 3? Over all, I was pleased with Thor's story, I wished he could have met Loki at some point, but well didn't got that. However I see that he can be happy in the future, with Rocky and Grot with him. Rocky: I just freaking love Rocky! He is funny, cocky, and smart, in the right way. And how he is there for Thor makes me smile so much! And how he threw himself over Grot in the end, to protect him this time, my heart! Can't say to much about his story, since he mostly tagged along with Thor, and he played a great part, but more in the background, still loved him and his funny comments! Natasha: GOD DAMN YOU WORLD! I am not okay with her dying. There I said it, she is one of the ones who died. If you are reading this and haven't seen the movie, you have yourself to blame, I did warn you! Well her death flag was there from the beginning. How she talked, what she did, everything, just wished it hadn't happened! I wanted her to live, to be happy, but can't get everything. And that she sacrificed herself, so they could get the soul ston... So Clint didn't need to. I am happy that Clint didn't die, and she was peaceful with it, I still hate it, mostly because how Clint felt, and Bruce! I hated seeing how sad they were in the end. But her death had meaning, so I have to accept it. Clint: Seeing how his family died, so fast in the movie, made my cry instantly. It was so freaking sad. However, seeing him going on a rampage, killing so many bad guys, was amazing. Just wished they had showed it more! Because after that, and Nat dies, well he just fades into the background a bit. I would have loved to have more Clint. Still loved what I got! Nabula: Seeing her and Tony's bonding moment in the beginning, especially when they played the game was so sweet. she was so happy when she won! But with that out of the way, I can't take her. I just don't like her, seeing how boring she is. And I hated the part where her old self, was connected with her present self, making it possible for Thanos to know what happened. I get it, they had to make him know, still hated it. I did like that she killed her old self tho! And her moments with Gamora. Captain Marvel: Oh god she did so little, that she almost felt useless. Well I am fine that she didn't saved everything, I would have hated it, seeing she hasn't really been a part of the universe for years. But now she rather felt like an easy way out, to fix some small problem. And I hated that she cut her hair short! And I would have loved a moment with her and Fury, but well, can't get everything. Ant-Man: Wow, I feel so bad for him, being gone for 5 years, and then returning, and not knowing what happened. And it was so weird seeing that Cassy had aged 5 years... But I loved him in this movie. Loved how he interacted with everyone, and how Rocky called him a puppy! Wished he went up Thanos ass, but nah, they didn't do that, boring people. And I am pleased he got to be with Cassy and Hope in the end, even if I would have sacrificed Hope to get Nat back... and I missed the ants, wished he used them, or the shrinking ond growing things, throwing at people more! The Hulk: Wow, seeing that Banner and Hulk had merged into one, surprised me, so much, but I liked it. It was a smart Hulk, and a strong Banner, liked it so much! Also liked how he tried to be there for Thor as well! And he was really funny, especially when they tried to figure out the time, or when he met his fans. It was so sad when he stated that he tried to bring back Nat, but couldn't, that made me cry. But over all, I liked Hulk, especially when he talked with the Ancient one! Thanos: Hahahaha seeing him cook food in the beginning was so sweet and funny! Seeing Thor chop his head off, just like that was also funny! And well I like Thanos, I feel that he is a relatable villain, that he has good intentions, even if he is a bad person for doing what he does. And seeing him fight them all in the end was really good. Can't say much about him, seeing he die wasn't a surprise. Tony: Well....Tony's death wasn't surprising, just so freaking sad! I waited for it, knew it would happen, just hoped it wouldn't, especially when he and Pepper got a child! It was lovely seeing him hangout with the child, and I really wished he would get the chance to do that after the fight, and that he would adopt Peter! But nooooo, they had to kill him... Well his character had a great story. Him and Nebula in the beginning, him returning, Pepper and him. And him and Steve! I loved it! So freaking much! And he got to meet his dad, that was lovely. And they even had Jarvis in it! The same person who played Jarvis in the TV-show, loved it! Tony had many good moments, and that he sacrificed himself to save everyone else, well not surprising, just sad. Especially when Pepper said they were okay, that he could die in peace. His funeral made me cry so much! Captain America: HE FINALLY MARRIED PEGGY!! I have waited for that for so many years! I got everything I wanted in Steve's story, everything! Great moments with him and Tony, and the others as well. Him saying hail Hydra, in the elevator, using the mind stone on his past self, that was funny! And he freaking used Thor's hammer in the end! That was amazing, loved it so much! And then in the end, he married Peggy! He went back in time once more, returning the stones to their timelines, and stayed with Peggy, and grew old with her. And in the end he gives the shield to Sam! It was beautiful! Loki: Sorry for everyone who hoped he was alive, he is not! I am fine with this, in a way, most likely because I get my TV-show. And he had some funny moments in the movie, especially in New York, and they hinted to the TV-Show very well! Just wished he had a movie with Thor, and Frigga. Frigga talked about him at least. So the plot, I will talk about special parts, without talk about everything. You have to see the movie! I liked it. Nothing super new, but still nice. Seeing them go back in time, to different places to collect the stones was really nice. Seeing New York in a new way, was so funny! Especially the Hydra scene, Ant-Man giving Tony a heart-attack, Thor helping Tony. Banner and the Ancient one, good scene. Seeing how Loki grabbed the Tesseract and escaped, setting up his show, was really nice, loved it! Really well played, and it made Tony and Steve travel back more in time, making Tony meet his dad, and Steve see Peggy. Nebula and Rhodey's scene was kind of boring, just funny because Peter was in it, as he was about to collect the power stone. Natasha and Clints scene, collecting the soul stone was heartbreaking! Not okay in anyway! Thor going to collect the reality stone with Rocky was amazing, mostly because Thor was drunk, sad and depressed, but got to talk to Frigga! It was so well played. And I liked how they had a time skip for five years, knowing they couldn't change everything. They didn't go back, when they brought back people, the people came to the world, five years later, loved that. I have a hard time seeing that the world would fall apart as much as it did. I get that everyone was sad and shit, but seeing that it looked like it feel apart at some places, well sure people died, but it doesn't mean that everything shuts down. But well I will not complain to much about it. The end fight was good! It went as I expected, but I still liked it. And the moment Steve looks at Thanos, as he sends his army towards them, wow it looked amazing! So freaking amazing! And when everyone returned, it made me smile, and shiver! Seeing how everyone fought together was great, just what you wished for! Really well done! It had fun moments, great looking moments, and sad moments. They just did everything right! (Except killing Tony). And seeing Thanos getting snapped away! Wow that was great! The funeral at the end, so damn sad, made me cry so damn much. Just like Steve's part! But I couldn't have asked for a better ending! And they built up to so much! Loki's Show! Guardians 3! Sam and Bucky's Show! Hopefully a Strange 2. And well I have heard that they will do a Wanda and Vision show, but Vision never returned, so don't know about that. Well I could go on and on, but I will leave it here, for now, I am still stuck in my bubble, and I need to breath and take it all in. But I am so pleased with the ending, they ended it well! So here you can just say whatever you wish, just use spoilers if you have seen it! ![]() 24 apr, 2019 19:04 |
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