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I have to leave earth [ENG novell]

Forum > Kreativitet > I have to leave earth [ENG novell]

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Priset tas nog av engelskläraren som inte lärde ut ett skit, ägnade ett helt utvecklingssamtal åt att prata om sig själv och smällde igen datorlocket rätt på en klasskompis fingrar. En annan stark kandidat är matteläraren som inte kunde räkna matte, vilket gjorde att jag rände runt på lektionerna och hjälpte mina kompisar. Hon lyckades förklara saker alla redan förstod på ett sätt som gjorde att ingen förstod. Det är fint det...

Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have - Hermione Granger https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi40.tinypic.com%2F4v0ks0.gif

29 jan, 2012 22:57



Det där med matteläraren lät bara sååå sjukt. :p

30 jan, 2012 08:33



Jo tack...

Directions för del två:
Through increased foundings, trom the authorities, the space scientists have managed to find a place suitable for human life. It is a planet situated far from our galxy, The Milky Way.
Fifteen people, with different qualities, have been selected to pass on the human race. You are one of them.
- What is the name of the planet?
- How did the scientists discover it?
- Why were you selected?
- Who are the other fourteen people?

2. New hope!

“As I said, the announcement about transferring the human race didn’t come as a chock at all. The scientists had finally found a planet to which the humans could be moved. They called it ‘Terra Nova’, the new earth. Scientists had searched through galaxy after galaxy without finding any planet suitable. In the end they found this planet, hidden in the far end of the Andromeda Galaxy. It seemed as it could be solution they had been searching for and so they immediately sent away a space probe for testing. When it came back with photos of an environment almost similar to how the world looked about hundred years ago, and test results that showed the planet to be ideal for human life, the plans started at once. They had to figure out a way to transfer the whole human race to a planet that was situated almost 3 million light-years away. It was quite a big problem. How do you move 14 billion people through space? After a while the newspapers started speculating about this. They wrote that not the whole population, but only a small group of people would be moved. Obviously, it caused quite some ado when the rumors were confirmed by governments all over the planet. Only fifteen people would be selected for the journey.
As these fifteen people were supposed to pass on our whole race, it was crucial to find out a way to do this without inbreeding. The solution was to only choose women, who then should give birth to test-tube children. They should all be in good health and in childbearing age, which greatly cut down the number of possible candidates. From all the millions of women still left, they picked out people working with certain professions that should be important on the new planet.
Since I was a doctor, at good health and just 23 years old I filled all the criteria. I was transported to an enormous laboratory, together with a lot of other women. There they tested us for all possible illnesses and diseases once again. I have no idea about how they could choose just fifteen people, but some how they managed.”
“And you were one of them?” the little boy asked.
“Yes, I was one of them. One of fifteen lucky, or unlucky, people, on my way to leave the earth, my family and my old life. It came as a chock. I wasn’t happy about it, not at all! As soon as I had been selected, they showed me to a little apartment together with the other fourteen. We had to be isolated from everyone else, since it was important that none of us got sick. I never got to meet my family again. I spoke with them through a phone sitting face to face with a window dividing us, but we never met again.”
The lady had a quite sad expression on her face. Once again her eyes were far away in memories and thoughts. Her grandgranddaughter gave a sob, which brought the old woman back to reality again.
“Oh, no, don’t cry! It was sad leaving them, it sure was, but I talked to them many times after we parted. We kept contact, even after I got here. Mind you, I might even have a couple of old holograph recordings somewhere. If you want to, I can look for them tomorrow?”
The little girl wiped the tears from her cheeks and then looked at the old lady, nodding.


Jag fick lämna in den ofärdig, vilket gjort att jag prioriterat om lite. Den ska dock skrivas klart!

Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have - Hermione Granger https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi40.tinypic.com%2F4v0ks0.gif

2 feb, 2012 21:12



Vad bra den var!
Otur, att den inte hann bli färdig i tid bara.

2 feb, 2012 21:35



Tack hörrudu

Jag kommer skriva klart den i vilket fall dock, gillar inte att ha ofärdiga saker hängandes över mig..

Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have - Hermione Granger https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi40.tinypic.com%2F4v0ks0.gif

2 feb, 2012 23:30



Vad bra. Då kommer det mer ngn dag då?

3 feb, 2012 08:10



Ja då!

Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have - Hermione Granger https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi40.tinypic.com%2F4v0ks0.gif

3 feb, 2012 08:42



^Låter jättebra.
(skriver bara så du kan skriva)
Fast lite förvirrande att vi är likadana, och ingen annan skriver i tråden... ♥

Är det mer på väg?? Den var så bra!

3 feb, 2012 19:30

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