Can you hear the Silence? [ENG, Fantasy]
Forum > Kreativitet > Can you hear the Silence? [ENG, Fantasy]
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25 apr, 2012 17:45 |
Elev ![]() |
Ja, du har ju hela livet på dig!^^
Vi älskar att läsa din fanfic iaf! ![]() AlexZz and I are friends 4 ever <3 ![]() 25 apr, 2012 18:50 |
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Har gjort lite ändringar på Ninives hårfärg, där ändringarna gjorts är det tjock text.
![]() 25 apr, 2012 21:00 |
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25 apr, 2012 21:14 |
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Håller på att skriva kapitlet nu, så antagligen så kommer det ikväll eller imorgon.
29 apr, 2012 09:44 |
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29 apr, 2012 10:16 |
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29 apr, 2012 12:26 |
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Chapter Two.
*“Galadriel. Her name is Galadriel.” The man and the woman looked at each other and he kissed her forehead. “I know.” He whispered. “I know.”* *The woman stood on the cliff, breathing heavily as she looked down on the angry waves in the ocean. The dark voice egged her to jump. She swallowed hard and looked down one last time. Then she took the last step out in the nothingness and fell.* *The man kissed the baby’s forehead and whispered in her ear; “You are so loved. Be safe, my daughter.” And then he disappeared and the little girl named Galadriel was alone again.* “Ms Galadriel, please come down! Breakfast is ready!” Galadriel sighed when Mistress Ellyn called her name. She rose from the chair she had been sitting in and walked to her wardrobe. It was full of beautiful dresses, but if Galadriel had been able to choose, she would have chosen pants. Dresses were so tight and hard to breathe in. Though she didn’t want to, she picked up a blue summer dress that reached just over her knees. Mistress Ellyn wouldn’t be so happy when she saw which dress Galadriel had chosen, but actually, it wasn’t her thing to get angry about. “Ms Galadriel, are you coming or do I have to go upstairs myself and wear you down?” Galadriel sighed again, but this time, she smiled a bit. She went downstairs were a warm bowl with fragrant soup waited for her. She ate the soup fast under Mistress Ellyn’s eye, who watched her all the time, like she thought Galadriel would run away anytime. The thought forced Galadriel to laugh, and hot soup flew out all over the table. Mistress Ellyn howled when a few drops marked her arms and then she started to curse everything around her. “You go up to your room! Now!” she howled. Galadriel went silent and just looked at her in surprise. “Now, I said, Now!” Galadriel did as she said. Mistress Ellyn never went that angry. Not at her. Galadriel really felt useless. Everyone treated her with a respect she didn’t deserve, but at the same time, they looked down at her and snorted at her behind her back. Her life in the castle, her dead parent’s castle, was dead and grey. Just like the walls that kept her inside. Suddenly, a very crazy, crazy but satisfactory, idea appeared in her mind. What if she just vanished, would anyone even miss her? They could find another King or Queen to rule their Kingdom, instead of her, the useless princess. Okej, nu har jag lite frågor. Ska jag skriva längre/kortare kapitel eller är det en bra längd? Använder jag för svåra ord? Vem vill ni läsa om nu? 30 apr, 2012 17:58 |
Elev ![]() |
Jag vill jättegärna läsa om Ninive! :3
Hon verkar helt crazy xD Och jag tycker längden är helt PERFECT!! Jag älskar det du skriver!♥♥ AlexZz and I are friends 4 ever <3 ![]() 30 apr, 2012 18:21 |
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Skrivet av Nelly1513: Jag vill jättegärna läsa om Ninive! :3 Hon verkar helt crazy xD Och jag tycker längden är helt PERFECT!! Jag älskar det du skriver!♥♥ Tack så jättemycket! Och ja, hon är väldigt galen ♥ Jag skriver en liten snutt till om Galadriel i nästa kapitel, bara som ett litet avslutande från det förra, och sen kan jag skriva mer om Ninive ♥ Då blir kapitel fyra om Dixon. Kanske om någon annan karaktär också ![]() 30 apr, 2012 18:47 |
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