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Which Mix of the Hogwarts Houses are You?

Forum > Harry Potter > Which Mix of the Hogwarts Houses are You?

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Skrivet av MissFniss:

You are a Huffledor!: You're a natural peacemaker and mediator. People come to you with their problems and you're happy to help them. Friends are very important to you and you ever needed help you know they would be there for you. Your weakness is that sometimes you trust too much on the good will of other people, you have to remember that they don't always have your best interests in mind! You are generally optimistic about life and with the sweetness of a Hufflepuff and the passion of a Gryffindor you're sure to go far!

Trodde faktiskt att jag skulle bli Ravenpuff eller Gryffinclaw eftersom de passar bättre in på mig haha.

Gjorde om testet idag och fick Ravenpuff vilket passar mig bättre c:

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2 maj, 2014 14:04



You're a Slytherclaw! By nature you are rational and a realist. Some people may call you cynical and elitist but this doesn't matter to you. You don't depend on other people's opinions to determine how you live your life. You are generally cautious and prefer to weigh the consequences before you act. In conflicts you prefer to remain neutral and aloof. You value intelligence and you are a natural diplomat, you can convince people to do what you want them to do. Your weakness is that you sometimes think more with your head than with your heart and it leads to isolation. With the intelligence of a Ravenclaw and the subtlety of a Slytherin you will be sure to achieve all your goals!

Well well well... Jag vet att det är rätt vaga beskrivningar, men det är rätt läskigt hur bra det passar in, bortsett från min usla övertalningsförmåga (det är väl därför jag har hamnat i Gryffindor eller nåt XD). Cool! 8D


2 maj, 2014 14:12




You're a Ravenpuff!: You are a very analytical and ingenius person, someone that likes to invent new things. The way you look at life is with wonder, and sometimes you're even a little naive. But people love you for that trait and they feel the need to protect you from the harsh facts of life so that you can retain your innocence. You are very capable person and when there is trouble people turn to you because you're able to stay calm and collected. You like balance in your life and you try not to make many waves. Even still, if there is something that you believe strongly in, you will commit yourself totally to that cause. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be indecisive and perfectionist, especially about little details and you drive people crazy sometimes with these traits. With the
innocence of a Hufflepuff and the calm of a Ravenclaw you will be loved in life!

Passar mig ganska bra. ^^

2 maj, 2014 14:29



Jag blev också Ravenpuff

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata2.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F82964336%2Flarge.jpg https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.tinybuddha.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F05%2FIts-Okay-to-Be-a-Glow-Stick.jpg

2 maj, 2014 14:36

Clara Darkin


Innan: Nu är jag rädd, jag kommer säkert bli besviken. Jag blir nog typ Slytherpuff.

You're a Slytherdor! You are a natural leader and have the personality to back it up. Often people are hesitant to approach you because they feel that you will reject them. You have a bit of a temper but most of the time you're able to keep it in check; however when you are really pissed off, people better watch out. In your life you have a lot of things you want to accomplish, whether it's for yourself or another cause. You can be determined in trying to pursue this goal but your morals are too steady to allow you to be absolutely ruthless. You don't let many people know this, but you actually like the idea of chivalry (but you try to keep this buried) and you try to live your life with honor. You don't back away from tough decisions. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be arrogant, you forget about the 'lesser people' and this leads you to underestimate your opponents. With the charisma of a Gryffindor and the ambition of a Slytherin you can be great in life!
Jag tror att jag egentligen inte passar in i Ravenclaw... :'(


2 maj, 2014 16:36




You're a Ravenpuff!: You are a very analytical and ingenius person, someone that likes to invent new things. The way you look at life is with wonder, and sometimes you're even a little naive. But people love you for that trait and they feel the need to protect you from the harsh facts of life so that you can retain your innocence. You are very capable person and when there is trouble people turn to you because you're able to stay calm and collected. You like balance in your life and you try not to make many waves. Even still, if there is something that you believe strongly in, you will commit yourself totally to that cause. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be indecisive and perfectionist, especially about little details and you drive people crazy sometimes with these traits. With the
innocence of a Hufflepuff and the calm of a Ravenclaw you will be loved in life!

Har alltid känt mig som en blandning av Ravenclaw och Hufflepuff och alltid fått antingen eller på alla test jag gjort, så detta var egentligen ingen överraskning, men det känns bra att få det bekräftat.


2 maj, 2014 16:40





3 maj, 2014 10:14



Skrivet av Atira:

You're a Ravenpuff!: You are a very analytical and ingenius person, someone that likes to invent new things. The way you look at life is with wonder, and sometimes you're even a little naive. But people love you for that trait and they feel the need to protect you from the harsh facts of life so that you can retain your innocence. You are very capable person and when there is trouble people turn to you because you're able to stay calm and collected. You like balance in your life and you try not to make many waves. Even still, if there is something that you believe strongly in, you will commit yourself totally to that cause. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be indecisive and perfectionist, especially about little details and you drive people crazy sometimes with these traits. With the
innocence of a Hufflepuff and the calm of a Ravenclaw you will be loved in life!

Har alltid känt mig som en blandning av Ravenclaw och Hufflepuff och alltid fått antingen eller på alla test jag gjort, så detta var egentligen ingen överraskning, men det känns bra att få det bekräftat.

Typ exakt samma här ^^

Join the dark side, we have cookies~ https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fvignette2.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fepicrapbattlesofhistory%2Fimages%2F6%2F60%2FBill_Cipher_intro.gif%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20150413191538

3 maj, 2014 18:29




vilket stämmer!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F12146620%2Ftumblr_locgqlHDbR1qd1rtlo1_500_large.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F12071701%2Ftumblr_loemx4ecxt1qis2apo1_500_large.gif

4 maj, 2014 00:53

Ginny, Dumbledore



Mister jag pengar mister jag inget Mister jag kärlek mister jag något Mister jag vänskap mister jag mycket Mister jag Harry Potter mister jag allt

4 maj, 2014 09:15

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