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Forum > Quidditchplanen > 100 frågor från tumblr (på engelska)

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Tryck här för att visa!1. Last kiss - With an animal? 1 week ago
2. Last phone call - Today. My friend called me this afternoon
3. Last text message - Was today with the same person that called me xD
4. Last song you listened to - Mormors sång (William Spetz)
5. Last time you cried - Yesterday... I had a very emotional moment...
HAVE YOU EVER: 6. Dated someone twice - No
7. Been cheated on - No
8. Self harmed - No
9. Lost someone special - Yes
10. Been depressed - Don't think so
11. Been drunk and threw up - No
THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: 12. had sex - No
13. How many people have you had sex with this year? - 0.00
15. Made a new friend - Yes
17. Laughed until you cried - Every frkn Sunday xD
18. Met someone who changed you - I don't think that either
19. Found out who your true friends were - No
20. Found out someone was talking about you - Isn't it so that every time you sneeze someone is thinking about you? Cause in that case Yes.
26. What did you do for your last Birthday - I was home and celebrated it with my family
27. What time did you wake up today - 8.30am I think...
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for - Probably going to Multicon this summer!
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time - Like seriously right now
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life - being an introvert
32. What are you listening to right now - my fighting siblings
33. When is the last time you had sex? - Never happened
34. Who's getting on your nerves right now - nobody. I feel pretty calm right now.
35. Most visited webpage - Mugglis
36. Favorite colour - Blue
37. Nicknames - Selmiss
38. Relationship Status - Single
39. Zodiac sign - Libra
40. Male or female - female
41. Primary school - Tundal
42. Secondary School - Probably Midgård
43. High school/college - no idea if I even want to go
44. Eye color - brown/green
46. Height - above average
47. Do you have a crush on someone - No
48. What do you like about yourself - doesn't care how people think I look
49. Piercings - 0
50. Tattoos - 0
51. Righty or lefty FIRSTS: right
53. First piercing - never happened
54. First best friend - Don't know? When I was a kid I thought of all my friends as friends and Nobody as a best friend...
55. First hookup - have not happened
56. First Bestfriend - was this not question 54?
RIGHT NOW: 59. Eating - Chocolate
60. Drinking - water
61. I'm about to - sleep
62. Listening to - the sound of silence
63. Waiting for - tomorrow to happen
YOUR FUTURE: 64. Want kids? - I think so
65. Get married? - Yes
66. Career - whatever I end up doing as long as I'm happy
WHICH IS BETTER: 67. Lips or eyes - eyes
68. Hugs or kisses - hugs
69. Shorter or taller - shorter
70. Older or Younger - younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous - romantic
72. Nice stomach or nice arms - nice person
73. Sensitive or loud - a little bit of both
74. Hook-up or relationship - depends on the person
HAVE YOU EVER: 76. Kissed a stranger - no
77. Drank hard liquor - no
78. Lost glasses/contacts - no
79. Had sex - no
80. Broken someone's heart - don't think so
82. Been arrested - no
83. Turned someone down - Yes
84. Cried when someone died - Yes
85. Fallen for a friend - no
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself - depends on what I am doing
87. Miracles - Yes
88. Love at first sight - no
89. Heaven - I don't believe in heaven, but I do believe in something similar
90. Santa Clause - of course
91. Kiss on the first date - depends on who I'm dating
92. Angels - depends on the kind of angel
93. How would you label yourself? Unique
94. Someone You Pray Everyday For - nobody
95. Did you sing today - Yes
96. Who From All Your Ex's have You Cared The Most About - none of them.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? - one second
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For - I'll wish that everything would be okay
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? - I think so
100. Do you like the way you look? - sometimes

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fimg15.deviantart.net%2F111d%2Fi%2F2016%2F182%2Fe%2F8%2Fdraw_this_again___chibi_dan_and_phil_by_puccho_panda-da8byou.png https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fff%2F68%2F74%2Fff687415bddf38fc0984d2bafca50b05--art-sketches-fanart.jpg

1 apr, 2017 22:36

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