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Skrivet av Ida S:
Postade det här på min tumblr (x) men vill dela det med er mugglisar också.
Inget särskilt. Inget ni inte läst förut. Men det kommer från mig.
Förlåt för att det är på engelska, haha.

"I'm home.

I've had a long day. I woke up early, went to the stable. Then went straight to work, where I had a quite buzy day. Many guests. Then I came home, and ate.

Then I logged on tumblr, and I can't.

I just can't.

There is so much Harry Potter on my dash and I've had so, so many other things on my mind the last weeks but it's really hitting me now... we've lived over a year without Harry Potter. He'll always be in our hearts, yes, and we keep saying that this isn't the end (the magic will never end) but I just can't stop think that yes, it really was the end. I miss it, even though it isn’t really gone. I MISS IT. I miss everything about it, and I miss the waiting, the expectations, the excitement, the new material from Rowling, Warner Bros, the directors and the cast... the feeling that the magic was still alive.

And now it's not. It's like we could touch it before, like it was solid, and now it's just a memory. Because in a way, it did end one year ago. It had to end, of course, all good things must come to an end, but it’s still sad and it leaves me and so many others hurting.

God. I can't. I'm crying. I'm really crying.

I don't believe that we'll forget about Harry Potter. I don't believe we'll ever abandon him. But I've never liked farewells and to say goodbye to a boy, friend and hero as important as Harry Potter simply breaks my heart. And having to remember that farewell, and having to move on... it's almost worse than the farewell itself.

Because we're moving on. We keep Harry Potter in our hearts, we'll come back by pages and by the big screen, but we'll move on and we'll face life after the magical era. And I guess that’s okay... I guess I can do that.

If I get to do it with you. Fellow Potterheads. And I hope, I hope that this fandom never dies. I hope I always will be able to come home to you like I can come home to Hogwarts.

I hope that you're still there after ten years, after twenty and thirty years, I hope that after all this time that you'll say always, because in this fandom, I feel at home.

With you, at Hogwarts, together, I'm home.


Now i just wnat to cry ♥


16 jul, 2012 19:18



people. i need more harry potter on my tumblr dash. give me some good blogs to follow.


16 jul, 2012 19:30

Ida S


Skrivet av HarryFreakingPotter:
Kolla vad som kom upp på min dash

Åh, såg också den, reblogged because beautiful ;> ♥

onlyoliviaa - allt är tårar just nu fy <///3

"we live together, and harry does all the cooking."

16 jul, 2012 19:34



Skrivet av hyperion:
people. i need more harry potter on my tumblr dash. give me some good blogs to follow.

Vad heter du på tumblr then??? Mine is honestlygranger.tumblr.com!

16 jul, 2012 20:21



åh vad nice

16 jul, 2012 20:32



Skrivet av accioron:
Skrivet av hyperion:
people. i need more harry potter on my tumblr dash. give me some good blogs to follow.

Vad heter du på tumblr then??? Mine is honestlygranger.tumblr.com!

detectivemalfoy.tumblr.com (alldeles för lite harry potter på den, skäms nästan)


16 jul, 2012 21:11



Skrivet av hyperion:
people. i need more harry potter on my tumblr dash. give me some good blogs to follow.

min www.buckbeakisback.tumblr.com
^^ postar inget annat än harry potter


16 jul, 2012 21:48



Skrivet av hyperion:
people. i need more harry potter on my tumblr dash. give me some good blogs to follow.

Finns en länk till min hp tumblr på min profil
Kan inte länka atm.


16 jul, 2012 21:59



nejmen nu blir jag så känslosam.. :')
potterhead for life

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F24.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m9f607wPNM1ra6roho4_250.gif Läs gärna min ff: http://mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=22814

16 jul, 2012 22:13



Skrivet av hyperion:
people. i need more harry potter on my tumblr dash. give me some good blogs to follow.

det är min, jag postar typ bara hp : )

17 jul, 2012 00:52

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