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Lite sneak peeks från episod 5
Tryck här för att visa!The bitch can see

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi1091.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fi388%2Famorsitow%2Fsignaturen.jpg http://loca.blo.gg/ || PotionSnitch169@Pottermore

15 jun, 2012 13:51



Skrivet av Hotissue:
OMG :'( Någon som sett senaste avsnittet?!

HERREGUUUUUD alltså ahahah orkar inte vänta en hel vecka till...

Nu tycker jag nästan säkert att man kan säga att
Tryck här för att visa!Jenna
har något med saken att göra!!! Omg undra vad det är som
Tryck här för att visa!Spencer menar att dom ska göra när dom ska använda det emot henne

Tryck här för att visa!Alltså Jenna... herregud, that girl. Jag har alltid misstänkt henne, men saken är ju den att de hela tiden kör med tittarna som följer serien. Ibland verkar det som att Jenna inte alls är inblandad; ibland verkar det som det. SIGH


15 jun, 2012 15:03



Skrivet av Hotissue:
Lite sneak peeks från episod 5
Tryck här för att visa!The bitch can see



15 jun, 2012 15:06



childhoodlight, åh ja jag vet men efter incidenten på polisstationen när hon pratade med Garrett så tror jag i alla fall att hon har gjort nånting!

Celebikai: eller hur

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi1091.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fi388%2Famorsitow%2Fsignaturen.jpg http://loca.blo.gg/ || PotionSnitch169@Pottermore

15 jun, 2012 16:19



Läste just värsta maratoninlägget på tumblr om någon som enligt teorin är med i the A-Team.

Tryck här för att visa!

Garrett told Spencer that someone close to her had her completely fooled. Wren works at Radley. Where Mona is. And Mona is the first A. That means he can talk to her anytime.

Wren is everywhere. He was there when Toby fell and got hurt. (he was Toby’s doctor)

He’s the kind of guy no one would suspect - charming, sweet, attentive.

He gave Melissa those drugs to deliver to Ian. Melissa is clearly in the midst of this mess (she was in Alison’s room the night she died.) And she trusted him enough to tell him that she was trying to find Ian. So, Wren is in the middle of it, too.

Jenna said, “In that accent, even a lie would sound good.” to Toby about Wren. Jenna is very good at reading people.

He’s always trying to get close to one of the girls. He showed up in Season 2 to meet Spencer when she was with Toby and got close her. Now, he’s getting close to Hanna when she’s with Caleb. It just seems to be that he’s trying to get their guard down.

At the end of Season 2, someone was seen entering Mona’s room at Radley and she says, “I did everything you asked me to.” In Season 3, Wren starts working at Radley. Coincidence much?

When Emily was in the hospital for her ulcer, Wren was the one who informed her that she had high levels of HGH in her system. That evening, Emily received a tube of one of the creams she was using with a note from A. She continued to get texts from A threatening to release her medical report. Who else could have known about the HGH other than Wren?

When Aria and Spencer were in that hospital reading Alison’s autopsy report, there were dead bodies covered by sheets on the beds. When they left, one of the “dead” bodies sat up. It was definitely a man. (so, that rules out Mona) Wren was working at the hospital at that time.

omg, vad tror ni? Tycker att det mesta pekar på att hen skulle kunna vara inblandad, har faktiskt funderat på det innan, just för att hen verkar så oskyldig!

EDIT: Where are you folks? Jag behöver någon som kan skriva sina tankar om denna teori, Hotissue, childhoodlight, Celebikai?

17 jun, 2012 16:39



Grå Damen: Jag tror absolut att det kan bara möjligt :O just för att han är så himla oskyldig och ja.... Och är överallt... Fast älskar hans dialekt

Här kommer en lite mer kontroversiell teori (det skulle suga, men ändå bra twist hihi) kopierad från tumblr.
Tryck här för att visa!Aria Montgomery

Mona may have been texting Alison before she died, but the texts didn't start up again until Aria came back from Iceland.

In 1x12, Noel threatened to out Ezria's relationship to the Principal if Ezra didn't change Noel's grade. In 1x13, A got Noel suspended for having exam answers in his locker - Aria had motive for wanting Noel out of the picture..

In 2x02, Mona called Aria "Big A"

In 2x20, Ezra makes plans with Aria to meet at a vegan bistro called Chez Mirabelle, A then relays this information to Byron in a letter. Ezra shows up, as does Byron, but Aria cancels. Perhaps in order to make Byron look like a fool when no one shows up.

In 2x23, Duncan takes Aria up in his plane, and they have a conversation about Alison, during which Duncan mentions that Alison was afraid of someone, maybe a friend, and then he looks at Aria, and Aria loses control of the plane for a second..

In February, Marlene King tweeted that Aria's costume is "kind of perfect for the episode." Upon research we discovered that her dress bears an uncanny resemblance to this Black Swan movie poster - Marlene had tweeted shortly before this that "Black Swan" is a "huge Finale spoiler".

Aria likes Toffee-flavoured Frozen Yoghurt, Mona was wearing a lipstick called Toffee Tango. If Toffee is Aria's favourite, maybe Mona borrowed the lipstick from Aria?

A's sketches of The Black Swan's costume vaguely resembled the shape & style of Aria's costume.
Aria's costume consists of very A-like black gloves
In 2x25, Spencer tells Aria she's big ("You're little, but you're big.."

In 2x25, Aria was looking at her phone a lot before Ezra arrived at the ball, but it couldn't have been Ezra texting her because he wanted to surprise her. However, Jenna is seen sending a text while watching Aria, then Aria looks like she's going to meet someone, Jenna follows her but then leaves when she sees Ezra coming - was Aria meeting Jenna?

At the end of 2x25, Mona was visited by someone in a red coat - Aria was the last person seen with Vivian's red coat.

We were promised that A would be revealed in this episode titled "UnmAsked", yet it's interesting to note that the only person "literally unmasked" was Aria..

Ezra has tried to leave Aria several times but he keeps coming back, maybe she has a different kind of hold over him than we think..

Aria is fully capable of lying to her friends and family, she has done it countless times, even her best friends consider her to be the best liar.
She had no problem with the idea of blackmailing her Dad..

Aria is the character chosen to the perform the Shh-Face in the opening credits, and in all the official promotional posters - could it be a clue to her perpetual secret?

We're currently working on a Left-Right handed-theory working out how 90% of A's "tags" are right-handed, while a few are left-handed - Lucy Hale tends to use her left-hand for the Shh-Face in the promotional posters, but sometimes uses her right-hand in the more generic photoshoots. Theory in progress..

Marlene King recently tweeted "is red the new black?" possibly alluding to the fact that the person in the red coat at the end of 2x25 is now taking over from A..? And Aria wears a LOT of red..

When Aria couldn't decide what to wear on her date with Ezra in 1x15, Spencer tells her to "be bold, go with red" - "be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.."? 'Mighty forces' = The A-Team..?

Aria is the only PLL that has never been physically threatened by A.

En del av sakerna tycker jag verkar sjukt irrelevanta, typ som i
Tryck här för att visa!Wren-listan
. Men en del saker passar in så galet :|||

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi1091.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fi388%2Famorsitow%2Fsignaturen.jpg http://loca.blo.gg/ || PotionSnitch169@Pottermore

18 jun, 2012 11:41



Hotissue - Haha, älskar denna:
Tryck här för att visa!Aria likes Toffee-flavoured Frozen Yoghurt, Mona was wearing a lipstick called Toffee Tango. If Toffee is Aria's favourite, maybe Mona borrowed the lipstick from Aria?

Dock låter delar av teorin rätt så sannolika, fast jag tror att man skulle kunna hitta saker på alla om man letade ordentligt :>

18 jun, 2012 11:46



(var tvungen att ta bort mitt förra inlägg för vill skriva ett nytt... HEEHHE)

ÅHHH YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! Bästa dagen på hela veckan är här. Nu är det inte många timmar kvar tills man kan få tag på det nya PLL-avsnittet ♥ ♥ ♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi1091.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fi388%2Famorsitow%2Fsignaturen.jpg http://loca.blo.gg/ || PotionSnitch169@Pottermore

19 jun, 2012 22:39

Wingardium Leviosa


eheh nu kommer jag här helt random men jag har börjat kolla på det i all fall! än så länge har jag sett hela säsong ett och och fyra avsnitt på säsong två.
jag typ älskar alla haha 8D


19 jun, 2012 23:01



ugh it's perfect


19 jun, 2012 23:46

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