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Can you hear the Silence? [ENG, Fantasy]

Forum > Kreativitet > Can you hear the Silence? [ENG, Fantasy]

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Rating: Det beror helt på hur känslig man är, den kommer att innehålla kärlek (som anpassar sig efter Mugglarportalens regler) och krig. Därför måste du avgöra själv, men jag skulle nog sätta PG- 11 eller 12.

Språk: Engelska.

Handling: (Se Karaktärerna så får du nog ut det mesta, men annars, fråga.)


Hector: Hectors whole world breaks when he’s village gets burned down and he is the only survivor. The animals are dead and there is no chance he will try to rebuild his father’s house when everybody he ever knew is dead. He decide to flee, before his chaser comes back to take him to, and on his way he meets Ninive, Galadriel and Dixon.

Ninive: Ninive is a hot- headed young woman in a world of war of confusion. She know only one thing, she must find The One Who Is Chosen, but at the same time, she must also find herself and that journey shows out to be much harder than she ever thought.

Galadriel: Galadriel has a secret, a secret she can’t tell anyone. Her secret has always hold her back, but something in Ninive, Dixon and Hector makes her want to fight back for once. Galadriel lives in a world of lies, lies to protect and lies to destroy, but there will come a time when she must trust her friends and let go of the past.

Dixon: No one really knows what or who Dixon are, not even himself. He has always been hated and betrayed, but sometimes, you have to take a step and break out of your bubble. But will Dixon take the risk and finally trust the people he meets on his journey, or will he forever stay alone?

”Sometimes, it’s not about who we were born to be, but who we choose to be.”

Together, while fighting their fears, Hector, Ninive, Galadriel and Dixon must embark on a journey to save their country and bring peace to the world. It’s hard, but they only chance to succeed is to trust each other, which is not always as easy as they might think.

Ska jag börja?

24 apr, 2012 10:48



Det låter bra! Börja


24 apr, 2012 11:27



JA!! Det är klart du ska börja!! Det kommer bli superbra!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fc2057e979b36700bc9d0ddee435c4ee9%2Ftumblr_mh0iwf8J2F1qj00lio1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Fb93c15e19f8356bae735c195bbe4a3f3%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D8137678

24 apr, 2012 16:01



Aww, tack! Jag ska försöka skriva ett kapitel ikväll, men jag planerar att skriva kanske två-tre A4 per kapitel, så vi får väl se hur det går! Men ett kapitel innan helgen kan ni räkna med! Sen har jag ju min andra berättelse, så jag ska försöka publicera lika ofta på den.

24 apr, 2012 16:02




Skriv mer o.o

AlexZz and I are friends 4 ever <3 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fpull.imgfave.netdna-cdn.com%2Fimage_cache%2F1254572211830353.jpeg

24 apr, 2012 17:32



Okej, nu vart det inte riktigt lika långt som jag tänkt mig, men det får duga^^

Chapter One.
*The fire was everywhere, and nothing could stop it from eating houses, people and animals. Everywhere, you could only hear the screams and cries from those who died. The little village had not ever seen or even heard of something that even resembled what happened that night.
The fire had started as a little spark in Master Luhhan’s hay, a little spark that could make no harm, if they had known it was there. But Master Luhhan did not know, and Mistress Luhhan never was in the stables if she could avoid it. When the sleeping animals had waked up by the crackling sound of a fire, they started to do a lot of noise such as kicking the stable walls to escape under the fires mouth, but because Master and Mistress Luhhan’s house was a distance away from the stable, they could not hear the animals’ frantic screams of death.
The fire remained in hours, and there was only one single survivor. A young boy didn’t get properly caught by the hungry flames. The boy’s name was Hector.*

Something was wrong. Hector knew it before he even could smell the remaining smoke. First, he panicked. Then he remembered, and the terrible memories made him stumble and fall onto the ground once again.
He sighed, with the tears in he’s eyes, but he wouldn’t let them out. Not even when he was alone. He had lost everything he ever owned, people and stuffs, house and animals.
He shuddered; it was freezing, though it was spring. He wanted summer, he wanted food and water, and most of all he wanted his family. Then suddenly, a branch cracked and broke and he turned around just to get assaulted by a girl in his own age. She hissed like a snake and pulled out a knife from a pocket and brought it to his neck, ready to kill.
He looked horrified at her, it had happened so fast that he nearly hadn’t caught it. Her hair was shimmering with gold and it cureld itself at her shoulders. Her eyes were red, and that scared him more than the knife on his neck.
“Who..? What..? How..?” He began, but she interrupted him with another hiss. For a few second, all was quiet, even the forest seemed to wait for something to happen while holding its breath.
The girl was just as quiet as everything else, and very still. Then she took a deep breath, and to his surprise, she got up and helped him to his feet. He stepped away as fast as he could, but got stopped by a big tree just a few meters from her. They just looked at each other, he with fear in his eyes and her with thoughtfulness.

“I’m Ninive.” She said after a couple of minutes. “And you’re Hector.”
“I-I know…” he stuttered. “I mean, I know I’m Hector. But how did you…”
“I just did, Okay? Don’t ask so much.”
The fear he had felt disappeared when as she spooked the second time.
“What do you want from me? And whatever you want, why did you attacked me like that?”
“I said don’t ask so much!”
“But how will I ever know if I don’t ask?”
She sighed. “I don’t know what I want from you, but I know there is something special with you, special things will happen around you, and I just know I need to be with you when they happen.”
Nothing she said maked any sense, but he was surprised by her words. Special things? Around him?

She didn’t really liked him, he set so many questions, and she couldn’t give him a proper answer, because she did actually not know how she know, she just did. She didn’t dislike him, either, but she had hoped that he would know what to do, but when she realized he knew less than her, all her hope disappeared.
What to do now? Maybe they should go to the Wisdom, but she was banned from the village and she didn’t know how to get pass the guard without be seen. But something they had to do. If she only knew what.

Snälla, säg till om det blir svårt att läsa, så ska jag försöka göra det lättare, men tänk på att jag faktiskt bara är tolv år än och det här är den första engelska berättelsen jag skriver till flera läsare.^^

24 apr, 2012 18:45

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-04-25 kl. 20:59
Antal ändringar: 1



Du skriver förbannat bra o.o

AlexZz and I are friends 4 ever <3 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fpull.imgfave.netdna-cdn.com%2Fimage_cache%2F1254572211830353.jpeg

24 apr, 2012 18:56



Jättebra !!


24 apr, 2012 20:13



Asså shiiiiit!! Du gör det igen! ♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fc2057e979b36700bc9d0ddee435c4ee9%2Ftumblr_mh0iwf8J2F1qj00lio1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Fb93c15e19f8356bae735c195bbe4a3f3%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D8137678

25 apr, 2012 07:45



Alltså, bara så att ni vet, jag älskar att skriva på den här, det är som mitt lilla projekt, så jag kommer att skriva, rita och skriva ännu mer, för att jag har så sjukt mycket idéer, men det tar längre tid för mig att skriva på engelska än på svenska så uppdateringen kanske inte blir den bästa, men jag försöker.

25 apr, 2012 17:43

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