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Mending Hatred (Dramione)

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Hej på er!

Jag har en mycket svag punkt när det kommer till Dramione (Draco och Hermione) ships och fanfictions och utanför det här forumet är det nästan det enda jag läser! Jag la ut en fanfiction om dem för ett par år sedan som jag håller på att skriva om. Så om ni nu skulle ha läst MH på fanfiction.net så är det inte samma skildring eller story i sin helhet längre!

Den är även på engelska!

Rating: 15+
Genre: Romance, dark, comfort.
Språk: Engelska
Kapitel: 21 / ??
Era: Efter kriget, cirka år 2004.
Färdigskriven: Nej (som alltid när det gäller mig lol)

Draco Malfoy has gotten past his youth and grown into a kind person as a healer at St Mungo's hospital. Third floor - potion poisoning. But his demons keep tormenting him through the nights, perhaps the reason for him to treat the world fairly. In hopes of redemption that will drive those demons away.

One day he has an unexpected patient with unexpected symptoms that turns his world upside down. Just when the world seemed fine - it wasn't. And he's the only one left that's as skilled in potions as his old potion's teacher; Severus Snape.

If only things had ended there... But faith is unfair.



Låter det intressant? ♥ ♥ ♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F26a33f1fa7e0716925d3ab75037f4105%2Ftumblr_pwownpSxMz1qeha15o2_250.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F927c84ab000498a09ed8c5c9547c49fc%2F201698b7bdf4af1f-99%2Fs400x600%2F57008a1793357efdd00509f8e9c234eeecaf7281.jpg

26 jun, 2020 19:49

Avis Fortunae *


Det är klart att det låter intressant. Jag känner även igen det lite vagt, så jag måste ha kikat på förra versionen av denna i något annat sammanhang. Allt du skriver har hög kvalitet. Det är väl okej att ge respons på svenska?

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

26 jun, 2020 20:22




Skrivet av Avis Fortunae *:
Det är klart att det låter intressant. Jag känner även igen det lite vagt, så jag måste ha kikat på förra versionen av denna i något annat sammanhang. Allt du skriver har hög kvalitet. Det är väl okej att ge respons på svenska?

Du får ge mig respons på vilket språk du vill. Trollska om du så önskar. Du gör mig lycklig, att du vill läsa - att du vill ge mig kommentarer som är från en annan värld. Oavsett om det är här eller i Skinny Love så hoppas jag du vet hur extremt mycket jag uppskattar allt du ger och gör för mig! ♥ ♥ ♥

Chapter 1

Draco Malfoy corrected his white robes as the elevator stopped on the third floor. Confidently he stepped out as the doors opened. One of the nurses who worked with him greeted him with a good morning and he smiled back politely. He made his way to his office at the end of the well-lit hall. The nurse had most probably been working the nightshift and was on her way home, judging by the dark circles under her eyes. That was not, however, the case for him. He had many patients today and as he sat down by his neatly cleaned desk he rifled through a map of sorted files and paperwork. Someone had left another paper there in addition to his already assigned schedule of daily duties and patients. Patients who had been at St Mungo’s for a very long time.

There were seven more patients today which meant it had duplicated from yesterday. Most were just staying for the day and needed emergent care. He took a deep breath and prepared mentally for a long and stressful day. His gaze wandered to the frame on his desk where he had his arm around Pansy Parkinson. She looked just as fashionable as himself. They looked quite perfect together, if his opinion mattered. And if someone else would’ve seen the picturesque pair they would most likely think them to be romantically involved with one another. Pansy on the other hand was somewhat of a bachelorette who dated the weirdest men Draco could think of. After another glance, this time directed toward his watch he decided he would have his cup of morning tea, half milk half tea, before his patients started arriving or needed tending. He changed from his expensive grey trench coat to his lime green healer robes. The fact that he had been a Slytherin at school many years ago had adapted him to liking the colour green in all of its shades.

“Mr Malfoy?” said a voice from the creak in his office door. It belonged to his receptionist, a middle-aged woman with curled red hair, and she shot him a disapproving look. Much like she did even when he had done her nothing.

“Yes, Mrs Parker?”

“You have a guest. And as I’ve said many times before I do not approve of the personal type of guests you tend to have. Please,” she said, explaining her disapproval.

Draco knew who it was. Lucius Malfoy would often turn up at St Mungo’s on his way for meetings at the ministry or what other businesses he had to attend. All of this despite Draco’s attempts to have him send an owl or something, anything really, so that his father would stop embarrassing him in front of his co-workers. Draco had avoided his father for two years following the war. Disgusted by the choices Lucius had made that had hit back critically at their family of three. Both during the war from their side of perspective and in the after-math of it all. Judged and hated by so many. The only reason for their comeback into the wizarding society being the enormous number of galleons that Lucius Malfoy had poured into charity. He loathed the man. But during one of the first days that Draco had worked at the hospital he had forgiven Lucius. Recalling how he had fallen on his knees. Not a care in the world for the expensive clothing he wore as he cried for Draco’s forgiveness. It was the only time Draco had seen his father cry. And never since. But the man, who’s chill was notoriously known, had been warmer since then. His cool manners only visible to the public.

“My father? I’ve tried to…” She had left the room before he had been able to explain himself. Or explain his father, to be honest. Just as he was about to step outside of the office his father stepped in.

“Don’t worry, son. I won’t stay for long. I made sure I was here early this time,” the man clad in black said. His hair was pulled into a low ponytail and today he looked especially neat.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if you drank some malicious potion to be able to come here while I work,” Draco answered.

“Oh of course. I think Mrs Parker would like that quite a lot. She finds me very appealing I must admit.”

“Very bothersome you mean?” Draco huffed but smiled at his father. “Do you have anything special to share with me or did you just want to annoy my receptionist?” he asked and gave his father a questioning look.

“Yes. Your mother and I have decided that you’re moving in with us again.”

“What?” Draco’s jaw was about to hit the ground in pure shock but lined with anger. How dare he? But just as fast Lucius smiled eerily and spoke again.

“I’m just easing you for the real news. Here.” Lucius stuck a hand inside his black robe and gracefully withdrew an envelope that bore a red stamp and was sealed shut with the Malfoy family seal.

“What’s this?” Draco asked as he took the envelope that Lucius handed him.

“You could read it with your morning tea, I have other things to attend to. I will not be bothering you any longer this fine morning. We’ll see each other for dinner later this week.”

“Certainly, father.”

A few moments later Draco sat down in the cafeteria the healers and nurses shared and had his morning tea. Just as he had planned. He was carefully opening the envelope by breaking the seal with the end of his spoon. Inside there was a letter and, not too surprising, it was from his father. Why he wouldn’t tell him this face to face? Draco couldn’t understand. He did, after all, deliver it himself. Maybe Lucius Malfoy was a bit afraid that Dracos reaction to whatever he had wrote would be out of this world.

“Dearest Draco,

I have made many poor choices during my life. During your life and your mothers. Choices that have brought affliction upon all of us. And I am not going to try and apologize because I have not forgiven myself. But I can tell you this much. I thought that it was for the better. That we would bring upon ourselves what my father nurtured me to believe. A world free of prejudice. Prejudice because there wouldn’t be anything to fear or hate. I am certain, these days, that your grandfather was afraid of mudbloods and half-bloods. But that the fear itself had grown into a pure hate for those people. Something I myself battle every day. I hope you do not share my battle. That your training as a healer and your profession has helped you be relieved of such miserable thoughts.

I do however believe that the wizarding world is needing of someone strong and powerful to lead them. And I have always had a desire to strive as high as my ambition can take me. And as such: I have decided to run for the post as Ministry of Magic.”

Draco finished reading the first page of the letter and raise his eyebrow, more to himself than any other. He took a deep breath, rubbed at his left temple, and took two sips of his tea as he turned the letter to continue reading.

“I hope that you will support me as such. Whatever the Prophet will report on the news. Which will most likely be cruel words and hatred towards the Malfoy lineage. And I hope that this will not affect you.

Your father.”

Draco rubbed his chin and draw breath once more. This was going to be a fucking shit-storm. And whilst he didn’t approve or wanted to be in the middle of it he knew that he would be. Oh Merlin, he couldn’t wait for Mrs Parkers remarks or sneers about it all. She loathed him. Despite all of his attempts to leave his past behind him.


Draco closed the door to his apartment behind him and took his coat off. He was exhausted from the long day. Much longer than usual. And he had longed for a glass of whiskey and to sleep for longer than necessary. He flicked his wand at the lamp in the corner and watched as it cast a yellow glow over the living room. He didn’t spend much time here as he much rather spent time working on his potions in the hospital during evenings off. In fact, he barely used the kitchen but kept to his living room and bedroom. The living room containing his liquor and his bedroom his bed. There was a set of sofas in opposite directions of the other and a large oaken wood in the middle with tealights. It was often there that he, Blaise, Theo and Pansy had spent their weekends. Pansy often leading their conversation by telling “her” boys about her conquests whilst Theo squirmed. Never noticed by Pansy of course. She was too far up her own ass. But Draco and Blaise knew. And they had no idea how they would be able to direct their friend of the other gender towards Theodore Nott. These days it was just Draco and Pansy. Theo had grown to pity himself for not receiving Pansys love. Blaise to travel the world.

With glass in hand with amber liquor, Draco strode into his bedroom. Walked out of his clothes, leaving them on the floor, and gulped down on the strong alcohol before he locked the door with his wand and tucked it under the mattress. He lay down, staring into the ceiling, and let the darkness and his unforgiving monsters invade his mind.

Draco always woke up far too early, bathing in a pool of sweat, by his own screams as he dreamt that the dark lord tortured him. He had given up on dreamless sleep potions a long time ago. Knowing the effects of using them caused him severe drowsiness. And to not have his psyche on edge had given him panic attacks out of this world.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F26a33f1fa7e0716925d3ab75037f4105%2Ftumblr_pwownpSxMz1qeha15o2_250.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F927c84ab000498a09ed8c5c9547c49fc%2F201698b7bdf4af1f-99%2Fs400x600%2F57008a1793357efdd00509f8e9c234eeecaf7281.jpg

26 jun, 2020 20:35




Jag bevakar (trots att jag bara är 14 hihi)! Har inte läst kapitlet än men ska göra det så fort det finns tid!

26 jun, 2020 22:29




jag läser självklart när jag har tid! även om jag inte är 15 år än...

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F789aa187a2a4ae96aee91bb309369e19%2Ftumblr_olen66Ap511rfypuoo3_r1_540.gif Amicis

26 jun, 2020 23:47

Avis Fortunae *



Det är intressant att få möta en Draco som är så annorlunda mot i DM och Prinsen. Här är det ett annat universum, och det är en Draco som växt upp och mognat. Genom hela texten märks hans ansträngningar att leva ett lugnt, anständigt liv - men hela tiden kommer olika störningsmoment (hittar inget bättre ord) in.

Älskar bilden. Är ju allmänt svag för män som kan läkekonst och har valt vårdande yrken. Draco ser fortfarande väldigt ung ut. Det är en speciell tid när det vuxna livet ska börja. Intressant med hans umgängeskrets och hur Pansy är, eller verkar vara, i den här storyn. Att hon är vän med några killar, "hennes" killar. Blaise är äventyraren och Theo ... är intresserad av Pansy? De känns lite som ett gäng i en teveserie, vilket utlovar en hel del underhållning.

Men Draco jagas av mardrömmar nätterna igenom och måste även förhålla sig till fadern, som trots sitt förflutna (eller på grund av återupprättelse) söker rampljuset. Undrar hur Hermione kommer att inta scenen. Som patient eller på något annat sätt? Suveränt skrivet, som allt du gör, och jag längtar till nästa!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

27 jun, 2020 11:04




Nu har jag läst och jag kommer definitivt att hänga kvar, det var ett superbra första kapitel! Precis som Avis Fortunae * skriver är det en väldigt intressant bild du målar upp, Draco är ung och hans umgänge är som skapat för drama!

Längtar till nästa

30 jun, 2020 22:12



Wow, fantastiskt första kapitel!

Så Lucius vill bli trolldomsminister. Hm. Jag röstar inte på honom.

Jag gillar verkligen den här bilden av Draco och jag längtar tills nästa!

Dessutom skriver du en väldigt bra engelska - jag brukar ha lite svårt för engelska texter (kanske för att det är de tråkiga texterna i skolan), men detta var verkligen lätt att läsa utan att det blev upprepade ord. Du har definitivt fångat min uppmärksamhet!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F789aa187a2a4ae96aee91bb309369e19%2Ftumblr_olen66Ap511rfypuoo3_r1_540.gif Amicis

30 jun, 2020 23:08




ANAR DU HUR LÄSSUGEN JAG BLEV JUST NU??? Lite svartsjuk också, visserligen. Draco är ju ändå MIN pojkvän. Men får väl dela med mig. Jag hatar dock att det är på engelska, men du översätter väl åt mig, va?


Läs gärna min ff:n om Draco <3 Läser gärna din som gengäld, och för att jag älskar att läsa! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51873

2 jul, 2020 02:04



ÅÅÅÅH min favorittyp av fanfiction, Dramione på engelska och angst ♥ ♥ ♥ Jag vet inte vad det är, men jag upplever att engelskan har ett rikare språk som passar Dramione-fics utmärkt. För är det något jag ägnar för mycket tid åt (istället för att uppdatera mina egna fanfics, så är det att läsa om Dramione på engelska. Så därför ska det bli mig ett sant nöje att superbevaka den här berättelsen.


Jättebra första kapitel med min babe Draco (Elzyii, han har varit min pojkvän så länge jag kan minnas, så vänligen step aside ♥ ). Längtar efter fortsättningen och en viss inträde i berättelsen.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2F85a78ed8327f6a44d748de87a06aefe3%2Ftumblr_np1kvpId1G1tek6yeo1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fi.gifer.com%2FUjvo.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FZc3n9KzTnhgoE%2Fgiphy.gif

2 jul, 2020 16:23

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