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Which Mix of the Hogwarts Houses are You?

Forum > Harry Potter > Which Mix of the Hogwarts Houses are You?

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You're a Slytherclaw!: By nature you are rational and a realist. Some people may call you cynical and elitist but this doesn't matter to you. You don't depend on other people's opinions to determine how you live your life. You are generally cautious and prefer to weigh the consequences before you act. In conflicts you prefer to remain neutral and aloof. You value intelligence and you are a natural diplomat, you can convince people to do what you want them to do. Your weakness is that you sometimes think more with your head than with your heart and it leads to isolation. With the intelligence of a Ravenclaw and the subtlety of a Slytherin you will be sure to achieve all your goals!

"If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed."

13 apr, 2014 01:24



Samma här! Skönt, det betyder att mina antaganden om mig själv stämmer då.

13 apr, 2014 01:51



Innan: Ja, det blir nog Ravenpuff, det är ingen fara.

Efter: Slytherpuff?!?!

13 apr, 2014 07:37



PÅ allt är det RavenPuff

Här var det Slytherdor

jag är chockad! Jag får alltid Hufflepuff och trodde ärligt talat att det skulle vara något med Hufflepuff(på typ alla test)


13 apr, 2014 07:50

Matilda weasley



You're a Ravenpuff!: You are a very analytical and ingenius person, someone that likes to invent new things. The way you look at life is with wonder, and sometimes you're even a little naive. But people love you for that trait and they feel the need to protect you from the harsh facts of life so that you can retain your innocence. You are very capable person and when there is trouble people turn to you because you're able to stay calm and collected. You like balance in your life and you try not to make many waves. Even still, if there is something that you believe strongly in, you will commit yourself totally to that cause. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be indecisive and perfectionist, especially about little details and you drive people crazy sometimes with these traits. With the 
innocence of a Hufflepuff and the calm of a Ravenclaw you will be loved in life!

Det var väntat eftersom att jag är en äkta Hufflepuff och om jag ska välja två som passar in på mig så är det nog de två

Jag är jag, det är inte du :P https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F68.media.tumblr.com%2F57e8999c49956bb29eebe70931704396%2Ftumblr_o7ow9t5suP1uusboho1_500.gif

13 apr, 2014 09:10



You're a Gryffinclaw!: You are a determined and intelligent person who is used to getting your own way all the time. You are very passionate about your beliefs and will defend them until your last breath. Often Griffenclaws work as lawyers or activists because they have feel so strongly about a certain subject. You feel that knowledge is to be used in a practical way and you often have a very low tolerance for people you consider of low intelligence. Although you aren't a social butterfly, you don't have trouble making fiends, people are usually drawn to you. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be insensitive, you're too busy being witty that you don't realize that you're hurting peoples' feelings, often your friends. With the wit of a Ravenclaw and the passion of a Gryffindor you can face all your battles in life head on!

Det verkar ju passa. Förutom det där med att jag typ är omringad av vänner och att jag inte har problem med att skaffa vänner.

13 apr, 2014 10:54




You're a Ravenpuff!: You are a very analytical and ingenius person, someone that likes to invent new things. The way you look at life is with wonder, and sometimes you're even a little naive. But people love you for that trait and they feel the need to protect you from the harsh facts of life so that you can retain your innocence. You are very capable person and when there is trouble people turn to you because you're able to stay calm and collected. You like balance in your life and you try not to make many waves. Even still, if there is something that you believe strongly in, you will commit yourself totally to that cause. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be indecisive and perfectionist, especially about little details and you drive people crazy sometimes with these traits. With the innocence of a Hufflepuff and the calm of a Ravenclaw you will be loved in life!

Läskigt att det stämmer ganska så bra med mig denna blandning!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F564x%2F4a%2F10%2Ff9%2F4a10f99507e48014ce9db27cf1e40511.jpg https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F564x%2F66%2Fce%2Fb8%2F66ceb8910643dcb428de33c43ddbc4fa.jpg

13 apr, 2014 12:21




You're a Slytherpuff!: This is a rare combination but those that are true Slytherpuffs are not people you want to make your enemy. You take loyalty very seriously and if someone gives you their word you expect them to keep it. You either project a cold exterior and have a heart of gold inside or you seem all cuddly and nice on the outside and you are ruthless on the inside. People frequently underestimate you but this usually suits your purpose. Whoever has your loyalty is a very lucky person because you will fight tooth and nail to protect them. You have a protective streak and you like to champion the underdog. In life, experience has taught you that it's better not to be too idealistic or expect to much of other people. Still, deep inside you, you still have hope that everything will always turn out for the best. Your weakness is that sometimes you trust blindly, follow without question and this can lead you into trouble. With the loyalty of a Hufflepuff and the ruthlessness of a Slytherin you are a formidable person!

"Flitwick är en mycket liten man, med en mycket lång stav."

13 apr, 2014 12:24

Jessica Tonks


Skrivet av Klaestron:

You're a Ravenpuff!: You are a very analytical and ingenius person, someone that likes to invent new things. The way you look at life is with wonder, and sometimes you're even a little naive. But people love you for that trait and they feel the need to protect you from the harsh facts of life so that you can retain your innocence. You are very capable person and when there is trouble people turn to you because you're able to stay calm and collected. You like balance in your life and you try not to make many waves. Even still, if there is something that you believe strongly in, you will commit yourself totally to that cause. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be indecisive and perfectionist, especially about little details and you drive people crazy sometimes with these traits. With the innocence of a Hufflepuff and the calm of a Ravenclaw you will be loved in life!

Läskigt att det stämmer ganska så bra med mig denna blandning!

Samma sak här! xD


13 apr, 2014 12:46

Ariana Potter


You are a Huffledor!: You're a natural peacemaker and mediator. People come to you with their problems and you're happy to help them. Friends are very important to you and you ever needed help you know they would be there for you. Your weakness is that sometimes you trust too much on the good will of other people, you have to remember that they don't always have your best interests in mind! You are generally optimistic about life and with the sweetness of a Hufflepuff and the passion of a Gryffindor you're sure to go far!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fovkrtb4 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fntpkxuj https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fpjwh669 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fn9czvun

13 apr, 2014 12:49

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