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EPic Rap Battles of Mugglis!

Forum > Quidditchplanen > EPic Rap Battles of Mugglis!

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Tänkte detta behövdes, det blir som ERB fast där ni kära mugglisar får komma på egna personer och även egna texter eller till och med videos om man har/gör
(Argh! Varför misslyckas jag alltid med trådnamnen xD)

Har redan en som jag gjorde med en vän,
Epic Rap Battles of Mugglis
Jonathan Coulton vs. Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict: ''Elementary dear Watson, you just have to look for the right clues, they're everywhere like in his face or his shirt or even his shoes, i can sadly already say that this will be a dull case judging by how this simpleton falls at an incredible, unimaginary fast pace!''
Jonathan: ''Well here we are again, it's never quite a pleasure, now watch as i suceed and kill you TWICE! You're just one damn sad Britt, with nothing but your nemesis, Go drink your tea or maybe track some mastermind guys!''
Benedict: ''Well at least i can track something up, you sloth, instead of sitting on my arse composing new songs for only nerds, geeks and goths! There's a million of your kind, all nerdy singers like you, however people like me, hah, there is only a few!''
Jonathan: ''Oh come on now Sherlock you're so insanely overplayed, got a billion diffrent actors all sharing the same name! At least we don't need to be seen to be recognized for who we are, go hide behind your Watson or you Mountain, i'll be building up my Wrath so much you'll even see it from a far!''
Who won?

Who's next?

You're the ones who make them now!

We're not going back!

8 feb, 2015 00:01

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