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Silence (ENG)

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Hej hej alla underbara. Detta är min första berättelse här på mugglis (eftersom jag är relativt ny). Jag ska försöka lägga upp ett nytt kapitel ungefär en gång i veckan, men jag har lite kontinuitets problem så vi får se.
Jag hoppas att ni tycker om den!

Namn: Silence
Genre: Fantasy, romance
Rating: PG - PG13
Språk: English

Handling: Tiegan is a 17 year old fae girl. She has lived her entire life in a secluded area in the middle of some forest with the rest of her almost extinct kind. Despite them looking almost exactly like humans, they've been hunted and shunned because of their supernatural abilities (which include controlling the different elements and reading minds). Due to the hundreds of years they've lived away from mankind, they've forgotten how to speak like humans do. Instead they communicate only by reading each others minds.
One day a human man stumbles upon their little society and they're faced with the reality that their secluded little forest isn't as secluded anymore. So the fae decide to run away. But Tiegan soon realizes that her little sister Bianca isn't with them. Leaving the fae is considered a serious offense and Tiegan knows that with everyone being able to read each others minds, Biancas disappearance will soon be discovered. So she sets out to find her little sister, of course without realizing what kind of an adventure she's in for.

Karaktärer och deras utseende: (Jag kanske lägger till fler bilder och så när jag har kommit lite längre i berättelsen).









Jag har fått inspiration till denna berättelsen från två olika serier.

1. True Blood

2. High School - Love On

Båda är väldigt bra och jag rekommenderar dem starkt. (True Blood borde man kanske vara lite äldre om man ska kolla på).
Sicka gärna ett meddelande om du har några frågor eller om du helt enkelt vill lära känna mig.

Ormtunga Royal Death

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F68.media.tumblr.com%2F1d39f5c38eccb8f943a2fae97bc2c0b4%2Ftumblr_inline_nln5fkWw9l1rdlweq.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m6xud5SV1e1ryokj1o2_250.gif

16 aug, 2016 20:44



Låter väldigt intressant! ♥

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16 aug, 2016 21:28

Royal Death


It sounds great!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F67.media.tumblr.com%2Fc23ad10f33f2b0714865057ae1c1ebcd%2Ftumblr_np4qqzLu6R1uu6mvmo1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FBUJFnqslG6gJa%2Fgiphy.gif

17 aug, 2016 18:31



Låter bra! Bevakar och ser vad som händer... Gillar ju True Blood så detta kan bli spännande!

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17 aug, 2016 19:46




Ok, så här kommer första kapitlet. Jag uppskattar er som har sagt att ni vill läsa denna, jag hoppas att ni tycker den är bra. ♥
Jag kommer att skriva i denna stilen när det handlar om Tiegans tankar och i denna stilen när hon läser andras tankar.

Btw, completely off topic but, idag är G Dragons födelsedag. Om ni inte vet vem det är, så är det en fantastisk sångare, rappare och musik producent. Check him out, you won't regret it, he's great! ♥♥


Chapter 1.

I have never hated the forest as much as I did in that very second. Usually I loved the forest, I loved the green and I loved all the little lovable creatures that lived there. But at that moment, the forest was my enemy. An enemy that was huge with lots and lots of hiding places and places where accidents easily occur. Never before had it seemed as intimidating, and to think that just moments ago I had played here without a worry, actually didn't bother me very much because right at that moment I couldn't think very clearly. My heart was beating rapidly and due to the panic soaring through me, any coherent thoughts were rare. But when they actually occurred, they sounded something like "Where is Bianca?", "Have they noticed that we're gone?", "This forest is too big", "Oh Goddess, I will never find her", "It's ok, I'm sure she just didn't notice that we left" etc.

The further I got, the more I somewhat calmed down and started thinking normally again, the more I started hating everything. I hated the human that forced us to leave our home. I hated our elders and priestesses who made the decision. I hated Bianca for being so irresponsible and immature. I hated our laws that were too strict against the fae who wanted to come back to our community after having left. I hated my breeder who abandoned us and left Bianca in my care. I hated that Bianca wanted to follow her. And I hated myself for noticing too late that she was gone.

But it didn't matter how much I hated. The fact was that I was nearing our old home and Bianca was nowhere to be seen. There were no exotic plants growing in funny patches on the ground, no trees burned to a crisp, no signs that the usually playful Bianca had been here. And as I walked towards our camp, through our camp, and past our camp an even more terrifying thought crept into my head. Bianca was a very mischievous fae, she liked 'bending' the rules and seeing how far she could take things before the elders decided it was enough. She hardly ever listened to what I had to say and frankly I had grown quite tired of constantly being reprimanded for not restricting her more. And just thinking about the words the High Priestess once thought to me made me shiver, "Tiegan, how dear you are to us. Such a wonderful example of a law abiding, hardworking fae. If only Bianca could take after you and not your breeder."

All of this and more made me think "This is just the kind of thing Bianca would do. She has gone way too far this time. Oh that fae is in so much trouble. But, what if she didn't leave by her own volition? Oh Goddess, did that human take her?"

The thought scared me so much I actually considered going back and leaving Bianca behind. It was a cruel decision, but was I really prepared to give up my life for a fae who probably wouldn't even show a sign of appreciation for it?
"No Tiegan, don't think like that. Bianca is your little sister. She is probably very scared. No one else is going to care. Not the elders, not the priestesses. The High Priestess will probably be happy that she's gone. Will you really leave her by herself? No I can't do that. I will find her, even if it becomes the death of me."

And so I ventured further than I'd ever gone before. So far in fact that I started seeing things that made no sense, things I couldn't even have imagined existed. Signs of humans, our race's greatest enemy. Like the path that was strangely straight and which consisted of a substance I'd never encountered before. My magic didn't work on it and that was the foremost reason I didn't want to have anything to do with it. However it could possibly lead to the humans and hopefully my darling sister.
Another thing that scared me half to death (and actually almost killed me) was the roaring, enormous device that came rushing towards me at an unearthly speed, all the while stinging me in the eyes with it's way too bright front. A flash of me laying mutilated on the ground after being completely run into by that gigantic beast almost stopped my heart. Thankfully the only thing that stopped was the roaring monster.
"Note to self. The beastly thing with the two suns at it's front stops only after a whole lot of awful screeching."

The second terror which made my insides crumble, were the two very fae like beings sitting inside the roaring/screeching monster. I knew they were humans (no fae would climb inside one of those willingly). There were also other differences between us. The older one of them looked quite a lot like one of our elders, however this human covered her body with something that can only be described as fur. It probably wasn't fur, it didn't quite look like fur, but it is the closest thing to what she had on her, that I knew of.

The first one to step out of the beast however was the younger one. This human had also covered her body. And what a strange body it was. Unlike my body, which was soft and round in all the perfect places, this human's body was flat and squary. I might have felt bad for her had I not been so very terrified, and if she hadn't looked ready to return my body and soul to mother earth.

The thoughts this human had made very little sense. "What is this crazy girl doing standing in the middle of the road? She almost caused an accident. What does she think she's doing?"
Context tells me that 'the road' must be describing the strange path that I was standing upon. But 'crazy girl'? It's clearly a thought describing me, but what does it mean?

"Excuse me human. Could you explain in detail what the phrase crazy girl means? I have never come across it before and I find it very baffling."

"Hey, you bitch. You can't just stand in the middle of the road like that. My grandma almost ran over you, for God's sake. Woah, shit. This weird girl is naked. Why isn't she wearing any clothes? God this is making me embarrassed. What should I do? Should I look away, should I apologize for noticing. No, it's her own damn fault and she needs to realize that she is the one who has done wrong."

"I wonder how this human thinks through the food intake. And why does she think normally like the fae do some parts and think through the food intake other parts?

Excuse me human, I didn't mean to offend you. Are you not allowed to walk on 'the road'?

"Hello. Aren't you going to apologize? Why aren't you answering me, are you deaf or something?"
ugh, I'm too tired for this. This entire situation makes me uncomfortable."

"I am answering you. I have been thinking to you for a while now. Can't you hear me?"

Ok. Så det var det första kapitlet. Jag hoppas att det inte är allt för förvirrande med alla tankar och så.

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18 aug, 2016 23:05

Royal Death


En väldigt bra början, jag hoppas att det fortsätter på det här viset. Och nej, personligen tyckte jag inte att det var för förvirrande. Så fort jag lärt mig vilken typ av formatering du använt till olika saker/tankar var det inte så svårt.

Jätte bra, skriv gärna mer!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F67.media.tumblr.com%2Fc23ad10f33f2b0714865057ae1c1ebcd%2Ftumblr_np4qqzLu6R1uu6mvmo1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FBUJFnqslG6gJa%2Fgiphy.gif

19 aug, 2016 12:20



Tycker det var ett bra kapitel, kanske inte hände så mycket men det var bra, då man kunde hänga med lättare. Det var inga problem med de olika tankarna (;

Alltså är bara nyfiken, om detta är fanfiction, vilken bok kommer det ifrån? - eller är detta en egen idé kanske? Såg att det var inspirerat av två olika serier, men har aldrig sett den ena, vilket kanske kan förklara saken, hehe...

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia4.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FGtkdgke6OGtoI%2F200.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia3.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F43xPFh8TyIMAE%2F200.gif

19 aug, 2016 23:07



Bra början. Väldigt väl beskrivet och du verkar vara väldigt duktig på engelska och så.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F36db2b885bbc0f7ec6f4521a028dcf56%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D5177460 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F291617428%2Foriginal.gif

20 aug, 2016 12:36



Skrivet av emm!z:
Tycker det var ett bra kapitel, kanske inte hände så mycket men det var bra, då man kunde hänga med lättare. Det var inga problem med de olika tankarna (;

Alltså är bara nyfiken, om detta är fanfiction, vilken bok kommer det ifrån? - eller är detta en egen idé kanske? Såg att det var inspirerat av två olika serier, men har aldrig sett den ena, vilket kanske kan förklara saken, hehe...

Jag är glad att du tyckte första kapitlet var bra (även om det var lite segt). Och nej, denna berättelsen är ingen fanfiction. Det är min egen idé, som jag har fått inspiration från de två olika serierna. Tankeläsandet från True Blood och mer en känsla jag fick när jag kollade på High School - Love On.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F68.media.tumblr.com%2F1d39f5c38eccb8f943a2fae97bc2c0b4%2Ftumblr_inline_nln5fkWw9l1rdlweq.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m6xud5SV1e1ryokj1o2_250.gif

21 aug, 2016 16:49

Royal Death


Nothingspacex Har du skrivit någon annan berättelse någon annanstans som man kan läsa?

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F67.media.tumblr.com%2Fc23ad10f33f2b0714865057ae1c1ebcd%2Ftumblr_np4qqzLu6R1uu6mvmo1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FBUJFnqslG6gJa%2Fgiphy.gif

23 aug, 2016 16:56

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